Our learning and support team is a whole school planning and support mechanism.
It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning and support needs of individual and groups of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational and welfare programs.
A prime function of our learning and support team is to ensure that the needs of all students at South Grafton High School are being met. This is achieved through the team facilitating collaborative planning between teachers, support staff, parents and students. The Learning and Support Team have a scheduled weekly meeting.
The following staff members are a part of our learning and support team:
- Head Teacher Welfare (co-ordinator)
- The School Counsellor
- Senior Executive
- Learning and Support Teacher (LaST)
- Multi Categorical Class (MCC) teacher
- Tutorial Centre teacher
- Student Support Officer
- Aboriginal Education representative
- Year Advisor representative
- Other staff members and parents are included for specific students as needs arise.