South Grafton High School

Excellence and Innovation

Telephone02 6642 1466

Year advisors

Year Advisors are responsible for guiding each student through their years at high school. At South Grafton High School our Year Advisors assist students with welfare concerns, placement in class, preparing school reports, selection of electives and year group excursions. Year Advisors work closely with families to ensure each and every student is achieving to their potential.

Year Advisors operate under the supervision of the Head Teacher Welfare. Together they co-ordinate a weekly welfare meeting for all staff.

Head Teacher Welfare – Ms Rachel Pachos

Year Advisors 2023

Year 7 - Ms Lianne Fisher and Blake Brunton

Year 8 - Mr Khristian Lloyd and Mrs Nicole Lancaster

Year 9 - Mr John Bemrose

Year 10 - Mr Mathew McKee and Ms Rachel Pachos

Year 11 - Mr Nathan Martin and Mrs Cate Wauchope 

Year 12 - Mrs Morgan Kerrigan and Mr Ross Miller